Moments For Me - Edition 13 - Practising Gentle Boundaries


Edition 13/2024

Hey lovely,

Welcome back to Moments For Me. This week, we’re focusing on setting gentle boundaries—honouring your needs without guilt. This ties in with last week's newsletter on self-compassion.

Moment #1: Self-Compassion 💛

Set a boundary today that feels kind to you. It could be as simple as taking a few minutes of alone time or saying “no” to something that drains you. Setting boundaries reminds your mind and body that your needs matter too, which strengthens self-compassion over time.

Moment #2: Authentic Living 🌱

Choose one small action that aligns with your values today, even if it feels challenging. Authentic boundaries are about listening to what truly feels right for you, helping you feel more grounded in your choices.

Moment #3: Simple, Loving Act 🕯️

Take a few minutes to reflect on a boundary you’re proud of setting, whether recent or past. This helps reinforce your commitment to self-kindness and shows you the positive impact of protecting your space.

Thank you for joining me in setting gentle boundaries. Every step towards protecting your well-being is a win. Until next time, keep being kind to you.

Emma 💞

PS: If you know someone who might appreciate these newsletters or find my content helpful, it would mean so much to me if you could share this with them. Even reaching just one more person can make a big difference. Thank you!

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Pondering Calm - Moments For Me Newsletter

Finding Joyful Simplicity as a Neurodivergent Woman. I share my journey of living a simpler, more joyful life while managing chronic illness and neurodivergence. Through positive psychology tools, reflections, and practical tips, I help others embrace authenticity and ease in everyday life. Explore insights on personal growth, self-compassion, and finding calm amidst life’s challenges

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